Project Assessment / Peer Review
Feasibility of pursuing the project is established by verifying the necessity and marketability of the text. The manuscript is also reviewed and the author may be asked to revise and re-submit the manuscript.
Contract Signing
If approval for publishing is received, then the publisher and author will sign a contract setting out conditions for publication, payment of royalties and other details, all of which are negotiable.
Drafts, Reports and Revision
Manuscript is edited for public consumption. This includes:
- Reading of manuscript to ensure completion,
- Suggesting ways by which the author might organize the text for more effective communication
- Questioning certain errors of fact
- Querying unclear statements
- If necessary, re-wording to facilitate clarity
- Checking spelling, grammar, punctuation, indices, headings
- Checking accuracy and style of notes/endnotes
- Making sure abbreviations are consistent
- Checking that tables, charts and graphs agree with the text
- Ensuring that the material is devoid of bias and unlawful material
- Making sure that illustration(s) are suitable for reproduction
- Get CIP/ISBN number.
Queries to Author
Send copyediting corrections to the author for sign off
Book Design
A Book Designer, in consultation with the author and editor, will design the cover and the interior of the book. A proof will be issued at the end of this process.
Proofs are examined to ensure accuracy (as author, you will be sent a copy for reading and correcting. However, corrections should not be extensive as this can be costly). This stage is repeated until satisfaction is achieved
The pages go to press as camera-ready pages for publication.
Marketing and promotions are conducted to introduce the finished product to the market.
Timeframe for Publishing
A number of factors determine the length of time it takes to publish a book. We will work with you to identify a suitable schedule for the publishing of your book.